We finally have all of our shots. We went to the vet again on Saturday. Everyone loved us, of course. Cocoa weighs 9 lbs. 7 oz. and Marbles is still winning with 10 lbs. 6 oz. We really like getting all the attention when we go there, but we are happy to not have to go back for a while.
One of our new friends is Sierra. She is so tiny, so we feel very big when she comes to visit. She was scared of us at first, but she finally came around. We are very careful with her, so we don't hurt her. She tried to take over Cocoa's bed, but he tricked her into giving it back to him. Then he guarded it so she couldn't get back in it. They finally ended up laying in it together, but Cocoa kept an eye on her.
Mom glued Marbles' ear, and it didn't bother her too much. It lasted about a week and then came undone, and that ear went straight up again. Grandma Pat says it has to keep being reglued until she is 11 months old or it won't work, so Marbles and Mom are in for a lot of struggles over the next 6 months.
Yesterday was bath day. We can't decide if we like this or not. We do like all the attention we get afterwards. We get rubbed all over with towels and brushed. Then we get to run around like crazy!
Please let us know what you think of our stories so far in the comments below!
Cocoa decided he likes Sidney's cage . . . |
so Sidney took his bed! |
Yay Marbles and Cocoa! Friends are fun! And good job on your classes :-) Glad you're done with shots for a while and try not to pick on Sydney too much.